Neo-Gothic Church of The Annunciation In Breclav - Poštorná

07 / 10 / 18:00

Guest Josef Somr – Speaker
Where The Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, Břeclav–Poštorná

Concert program:

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809): The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour On the Cross, Hob. XX/1A


Introduzione. Maestoso ed Adagio

Sonata I. Largo (Pater, dimitte illis, quia nesciunt, quid faciunt.)

Sonata II. Grave e Cantabile (Hodie mecum eris in Paradiso.)

Sonata III. Grave (Mulier, ecce filius tuus.)

Sonata IV. Largo (Deus meus, utquid dereliquisti me!)

Sonata V. Adagio (Sitio.)

Sonata VI. Lento (Consumatum est!)

Sonata VII. Largo (In manus tuas, Domine, commendo Spiritum meum.)

Il Terremoto. Presto e con tutta la forza




The Musica Florea ensemble was founded in 1992 as one of the first serious initiatives in the field of stylistically-informed performance in the Czech Republic. It was founded by violoncellist and conductor Marek Štryncl. The indispensable foundation of the ensemble`s work and the guarantee of its reputation lie in playing on original instruments or copies thereof, undertaking historical research based on studies of period sources and aesthetics, and creative revival of forgotten performing styles and methods.

The ensemble`s repertoire includes instrumental chamber music, secular and sacred vocal-instrumental music, orchestral concertos, and monumental works in the genres of symphonic music, opera, and oratorio from the early Baroque to the twentieth century.

Musica Florea appears at important festivals of the world and collaborates with outstanding soloists and ensembles such as Magdaléna Kožená, Phillipe Jaroussky, Nancy Argenta, Veronique Gens, Paul Badura-Skoda, Susanne Rydén, the Orlando Consort, Les Pages et les Chantres du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles, Le Poème Harmonique, and Boni Pueri. It has received many prestigious honours including the highest award conferred by the French magazine Diapason for a compact disc recording of J.D. Zelenka`s Missa Sanctissimae Trinitatis (Studio Matouš, 1994), the 1997 Zlatá Harmonie (Golden Harmony) award for the best Czech recording of the year (arias by J.S. Bach with Magdaléna Kožená, Polygram, 1997), and the MIDEM 2003 Cannes Classical Award for a recording of J.D. Zelenka`s  allegorical play Sub olea pacis et palma virtutis. In 2009 Musica Florea received an award at the Varaždin festival in Croatia for the best interpretation of works by J.S. Bach.

Since 2002, Musica Florea has had its own concert series with an emphasis on the presentation of newly discovered works and compositions that deserve a return to interpretative originality.

JOSEF SOMR – Speaker

Actor Josef Somr was born in 1934 in Vracov.  He graduated from the Janáček Academy of Musical Arts in Brno in 1956.  He performed in Český Těšín for two years and for three years in Brno’s Mrštík Brothers Theatre and for four years in Pardubice (1961 to 1965). In 1965 he became a member of the Prague Drama Club and in August 1978 he joined the National Theatre in Prague. He worked there until 2001. He can currently be seen at the Viola theatre in four productions. He has portrayed dozens of characters in television productions and in 1964 made his film debut in ‘The Defendant’.  Two years later he played an unforgettable character role in the famous movie ‘Closely Watched Trains’. His beautiful voice is often heard on the radio including for example in the successful ‘One Thousand and One Nights’ fairy-tale series. In 2001, he received a Thalia Award for his performance of the lead role in ‘The Gin Game’ at the Viola Theatre in Prague. In 2005 he received a Medal of Merit from the Czech President for his lifetime work. In 1987 he received a lifetime achievement award. In 2012, he was awarded the Czech Lion for an extraordinary contribution to Czech cinematography, and on 29 March 2014 he was recognised with the Thalia Award for Lifetime Drama Achievement.








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