Concert Venues

Garden Palace Liechtenstein, Vienna

Being over three hundred years old and located in the very heart of Vienna, this Liechtenstein residence represents a symbiosis of nature, architecture and extremely valuable art collections. The impressively renovated Sala Terrena, the Baroque Hercules Hall and the Ladies’ Apartments, together with the beautiful gardens, create the impression of real aristocratic lives, and the [...]

LVHF Gartenpalais Liechtenstein

City Palais Liechtenstein in Vienna

Work on the original palace began in 1691, commissioned by Count Dominik Andreas Kaunitz to plans by Enrico Zuccalli. Nevertheless, in 1694, Prince Johann Adam Andreas I Liechtenstein purchased the unfinished building and with a purpose to rebuild it as the family’s principal residence. This task was completed by Domenico Martinelli and prominent contemporary artists [...]

LVHF Lichtenštejnský městský palác ve Vídni

Liechtenstein Palace at Malá Strana, Prague

Originally, Lichtenstein Palace is a complex of five houses located on Malostranské náměstí 258/13 in Malá Strana, Prague. The building’s décor dates from a reconstruction after 1791, probably by Matěj Hummel. Today, the palace houses the Faculty of Music and Dance of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. The palace was named after the [...]

IMG 3885

Chateau Lány

According to the plans of the architect and construction director Joseph Hardtmuth, chateau Lány (also known as hunting lodge) was built on the Břeclav-Rabensburg border between 1810 and 1813. The builder was, as in the case of the nearby mansion Pohansko, field marshal Johann I Joseph of Lichtenstein. This short-lived structure with a rectangular foundation [...]

Zamecek Lany prednaska Cropped

The Knight’ Hall of Lednice Chateau

The noble family of Liechtenstein did not overlook the construction of the castle itself.  They altered the exterior in line with dominant contemporary building styles and also expanded the building. After baroque came classicism and then empire This was followed by the present-day English Tudor Gothic beauty of the chateau which was created in the [...]

RytA­A™skA½ sA¡l zA¡mku Lednice

Chateau Wilfersdorf (Austria)

Wilfersdorf Castle can be found in the Weinviertel (wine district) in the town of Wilfersdorf, in the Mistelbach district. The castle has been continuously owned by the Liechtenstein family and serves today as the property management offices of the princely estate in Weinviertel. It is renowned for its princely cellars. Around 1600, Gundakar of Liechtenstein [...]

LVHF Zámek Wilfersdorf (c)

Belveder Pleasure-House Valtice

Belvedere – the Empire pleasure-house – was designed by architect Joseph Hardtmuth at the instigation of Alois I, Prince of Liechtenstein. Prince bought the land on the Liščí (Fox) Hill in 1802 not only to build a representative building, but also a peasantry in the farm buildings nearby. However, he did not live to see [...]

2021 08 07 02

St Cyril and Methodius Chapel Břeclav

CHAPEL OF ST. CYRIL AND METHODIUS According to a plan of Jan Heidrich, the neo-gothic chapel was built in 1856 on the command of Aloys II, Prince of Liechtenstein, as a gesture of thankfulness for recovery from a serious illness. Comprehensive reconstruction of the chapel’s exterior and interior took place in the 1970s and 1980s, [...]

LVHF Kaple sv. Cyrila a Metoděje Břeclav

Valtice Castle Chapel

During the reign of Prince Josef Johan Adam of Liechtenstein (1721-1732) the residence at Valtice was the most important family architectural work. The Baroque chapel which forms part of the Castle is one of the most beautiful in the Czech Republic. This baroque jewel was built in the years 1726-1729 by Antonio Beduzzi, who was [...]

LVHF Zámecká kaple Valtice

Chateau de Frontière (Hraniční zámeček)

The charming Classicist chateau is considered the largest border landmark in the world. Prince Jan I. Josef of Liechtenstein had it built for relaxation and rest as the last in a series of structures to delight the eye and body during rides around the area. The chateau served as the summer residence of the Liechtensteins. [...]

LVHF2021 Chateau de Frontiere