We sincerely thank you for the greetings and patronages of LVMF 2024

We thank the President of the Czech Republic, the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Governor of the South Moravian Region, the ambassadors of Liechtenstein and Israel, as well as prominent figures from cultural and political life for their beautiful words in our 2024 catalog.

  Petr Pavel | President of the Czech Republic




Dear fans and guests! 

The ninth edition of the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival combines two dramaturgical lines: the 20th anniversary of our country’s accession to the European Union and the inspiration of a mystical place; the Masonic Garden in the area Park. Two seemingly disparate themes, but at a closer look, they are perfectly matched and complementary. The internal structure and symbolism of the park also reflect influential Masonic ideas and aesthetic principles. The park still retains its unique atmosphere and is moving in its beauty. The programme will then offer compositions by composers who have referred to the Masonic current of thought from the Enlightenment to almost contemporary times. The final concert in the form of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, with its message of unity and fraternity, is a reference to the very principles and ideals of the European Union. Beautiful music, inspiration from mysticism, art and science, all in a unique combination; in places with a strong genius loci, performed by top performers and ensembles. Now, the only thing that remains is to look forward to and enjoy another successful edition of the festival!

Martin Baxa | minister of Culture of the Czech Republic




Dear friends,

It is my great honour to write a few words on the 9th Lednice-Valtice Music Festival. This festival has become an inseparable part of the cultural life of our region and every year brings unforgettable musical experiences in the unique environment of UNESCO monuments.

The South Moravian Region is rightly proud of the richness and diversity of its cultural scene and the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival is one of its brightest pearls. Thanks to the efforts of the organisers and the support of the public, we can witness performances by top artists who bring our historical monuments to life with the magical tones of music.

I wish you all a wonderful time full of music, profound artistic experiences and unforgettable memories of this year’s festival.

 Jan Grolich | governor of the South Moravian Region




Dear guests of the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival,

The past years have shown how popular the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival is and how many enthusiastic and loyal visitors the festival events have been able to please every year.

This year it is the case – the festival programme includes a wide range of musical treasures and has managed to attract renowned performers to perform them. This makes the festival a major trans-regional cultural event.

Of particular importance this year is the closing concert, the thematic focus of which is the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Czech Republic’s accession to the European Union. Since then, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Czech Republic have come into closer contact thanks to the European Economic Area. This important European framework has fostered the growth of cooperation between the two countries, which were already closely linked in the fields of culture, education and the economy for more than 700 years.

I am sure that this year’s offer with its varied, carefully prepared programme will bring a great artistic experience to many visitors.

I wish all the guests and cultural figures much joy from the concerts held in the unmistakable backdrop of the Lednice-Valtice area.

J. E. Maria-Pia Kothbauer | ambassador of Liechtenstein to the Czech Republic and Austria



For many years, Freemasonry was accused of secret conspiratorial activities. Furthermore, it became the target of various anti-Semitic statements. Therefore, I am very glad that this year’s theme of the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival is Freemasonry. And I am sure that the audience will be delighted with the opening of the festival, which combines both Judaism and Freemasonry in the form of Israeli violinist Maxim Vengerov and composer W. A. Mozart. 

I wish good luck to the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival 2024 and a wonderful experience to its audience.

J. E. Anna Azari | ambassador of Israel to the Czech Republic




Alchemy has attracted attention for its mysteriousness and its efforts to create often miraculous preparations that change people’s lives. The mysteriousness still attracts today with the flavour of the unknown and the desire to tread new and unusual paths. 

Musical alchemy, the focus of this year’s Lednice-Valtice Music Festival, leads us to the captivating mystery of music. It is only when the musical notation resounds with live tones that we have the chance to experience a touch of the most spiritual element of art, which music undoubtedly is.

The Liechtenstein family have always been great lovers, supporters and creators of the arts, not least music. The ability to combine mysticism, art, science, landscape design and attention to detail can still be admired today, for example, in the surviving fragments of the Baroque-style Masonic Garden of the castle in Lednice, which dates from the end of the 18th century.

A bonus at the end of this year’s festival will be the commemoration of a major milestone on the next journey, the 20th anniversary of our country’s accession to the EU, in a performance of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 with the Ode to Joy, completed 200 years ago, which has become the European anthem.

I wish us all a profound experience of the touch of beauty that has always been an integral part of Liechtenstein’s cultural heritage.

Daniel Herman | Honorary Consul of the Principality of Liechtenstein in the Czech Republic




Dear lovers of music and South Moravia,

the year has come and gone; the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival has moved forward again. It is growing in beauty by leaps and bounds, and like South Moravia, it is gaining its privileged and indispensable place in the world. My family has more reason to return to our native Moravia, to spend irreplaceable time with relatives and friends and to indulge in the peace of listening to music. My father, the sole supporter of the first festival, would be blown away by what we can now say is a long-standing tradition that Jiří Partyka and his team have managed to uphold. Toughness and endurance are no strangers to the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival and are just as necessary for all of us if we are trying to preserve something for future generations, precisely considering what our ancestors built. Symbolism, myths, enlightenment, equality and cohesion. That’s the direction the Freemasons took. We are not only following them and their values in the modern world. I wish only the best for the ninth year and we are looking forward to what year number ten will bring.

Monika Vintrlíková | Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic to Atlanta, USA

LVHF logo Honorárání konzulát ČR v Atlantě




Dear fans of the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival,

I am personally looking forward to this year’s 9th LVMF, which will be an artistic work of musical and Masonic ideas. I am very happy that the town of Mikulov is a stable part of this unique cultural gathering of a series of exceptional concerts, exhibitions and thematic lectures across the Lednice-Valtice area with an overlap to Mikulov. And this year also to Moravský Krumlov, with which our town is connected by the personality of Alfons Mucha, who was one of the most active members of the Czech Lodge of Freemasons.

This year’s festival programme is extremely varied. For many of us, it contains mystery, expectation, hope and order. But above all, the joy and enjoyment of a unique cultural experience. 

In the exceptional setting of Mikulov Castle you can look forward to being transported back to the beginning of the 20th century. You will not forget the unique concert, a tribute to Duke Ellington, the American jazz magician and Freemason, in an authentic interpretation by the Bratislava-based and surely unforgettable Hot Serenaders.

I wish the whole festival all the best and visitors a profound artistic and social experience.

Jitka Sobotková | mayor of Mikulov

1. mesto Mikulov   MIKULOV




Dear friends of beautiful music and Valtice,

I am very glad that the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival has found its way to our town this year. Because apart from wine and sights, nothing suits it better than music.

This time the festival is shrouded in historical mystery. From the mysticism, art and science of Freemasonry, an inspiring theme has emerged that pays tribute to its ideas. And the musical menu, served by true masters, will be a real treat.

The festival will make five stops in Valtice, including the closing gala concert – repeatedly in the castle riding hall, in the Baroque theatre and also in Diana’s Temple, better known as the Rendez-vous. It is nice that children from the Valtice primary school will also enjoy the accompanying programme in the music and art workshop.

For a job well done, I thank the organizers, headed by tireless Jiří Partyka, and the patrons who contribute to the unprecedented success of the festival.

They wish you a beautiful and mystical musical experience and see you in Valtice.

 Aleš Hofman | mayor of Valtice




Dear friends of the festival,

This year’s festival is in the spirit of Freemasonry, which symbolizes mysticism, art and science. Freemasonry seeks to strengthen the ethical and moral qualities of man and to improve himself.

I think that LVMF, with its efforts to combine the Lednice-Valtice area with extraordinary musical experiences, has fulfilled these ideals from the very beginning. Great concerts are always accompanied by interesting thematic lectures and educational concerts for the pupils of our primary schools as well. 

I wish the ninth edition of the festival many receptive listeners, the director and the entire implementation team a minimum of unpleasant surprises during the festival.

The rest of us will surely fully enjoy the festival possible and look forward to the tenth anniversary edition, enriched not only by the musical experience.

Stanislav Straškrába | mayor of Lednice




Dear fans of classical music,

The director of the festival has once again pleasantly surprised me with the arrangement of this year’s 9th edition of the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival, symbolizing Freemasonry – an association in which the Liechtensteins were actively involved, as evidenced by the fragment of the Masonic Garden in the park.

The town of Břeclav also traditionally participates in its organization, I am proud that every year, except for this year, one of the concerts is held in our town of Břeclav – the gateway to the Lednice-Valtice area and this year again at the Pohansko Chateau. 

I am personally glad that the recently beautifully renovated Lány Chateau, located near Břeclav, has been incorporated into the festival programme.

I wish all visitors a deep, artistic experience.

Svatopluk Pěček | mayor of Břeclav




Dear fans of classical music,

As the mayor of Moravský Krumlov and an enthusiastic lover of classical music, I have the great honour to welcome the Lednice-Valtice Music Festival for the first time in our town, which resonates strongly with this year’s theme “Musical Alchemy of the Masonic Garden”. I look forward to welcoming you to an important place on the Mucha Trail, which bears the mystical heritage of one of the greatest artists, but also the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Czechoslovakia – Alfons Mucha. 

The opening Prologue of the festival at our newly renovated castle will offer not only great music, but also the opportunity to view the unique and magnificent The Slav Epic, thus enhancing the connection between visual art and musical genius.

I believe that this festival, which combines history with modern culture, will bring new perspectives and unforgettable experiences to all who choose to spend part of September and October with us. I cordially invite you all to join in the celebration of music and heritage in one of the most beautiful parts of our country.

I look forward to seeing you at the concerts and wish you an unforgettable musical experience.

Tomáš Třetina | senator and mayor of Moravský Krumlov



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